Can Uncomfortable Chairs Increase Tailbone Pain?

Last Updated on August 27, 2024 by Adams

Can Uncomfortable Chairs Increase Tailbone Pain?

Are you seeking for the same question? Can Uncomfortable Chairs Increase Tailbone Pain? The rapid evolution in the world is turning from manual work to machinery work with a remarkable increase.

These aspects are also bringing a change in the common living style of a man. Whether it’s about the newspaper we read or does work on a computer, play games, and use a laptop for office work, it takes a person to sit on a chair for long periods.

If your chair is uncomfortable, you are going to risk your health verily. Your tailbone pain is the crucial issue you are going to face.

What causes tailbone pain?

The tailbone is a term used for the coccyx that is a small complex of three bones at the end of the spine. When a prolonged sitting on an uncomfortable chair or a hard surface occurs, it starts to produce the pain in the back.

An uncomfortable chair increases your tailbone pain because it doesn’t support the natural curve of the spine. Here are some common factors that justify that uncomfortable chairs increase tailbone pain.

Long working hours in sitting on a hard surface:

When you have to work for a long day with an uncomfortable chair, you will be unable to maintain your backbone in a proper position. Moreover, it causes more strain on your muscles, making them tight and painful.

As a result, these muscles become stiff and eventually leading to pressure points and tender points. The muscles become tight and weak and put extra massive pressure on every segment, especially your backbone is its major target.

Bad posture and its impacts:

If your chair is uncomfortable, it does not meet the body requirements. It can generate changes in your body posture from head to toe. The most uncomfortable position for a body while sitting is that in which a person leans forward, resulting in muscular misalignment.

This kind of sitting does not support your neck, trunk, lumbar, and coccyx region. Plus, your feet are not touching the ground and your knees are not properly bending. So, there is a change in COG, and muscles have to do an extra effort to maintain a body position. The angles for your body accuracy shift from normal to abnormal angles.

The relevance of tailbone pain and chair design:

If you are sitting on a surface that is not smooth, the small muscles attached to the bones bear extreme pressure. It will result in pain that leads to reduced blood circulation.

When you are having such pain, you will not be able to concentrate on your work. An uncomfortable position and pain lead to less outcome of work. Moreover, an uncomfortable chair brings an increase in pressure on the spine and causes tail bone pain.


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