Are Refrigerator Water Filters Recyclable?

Last Updated on August 27, 2024 by Adams

Are Refrigerator Water Filters Recyclable?

Refrigerator Water Filters are convenient to have, but they can be hard to recycle once you’re done with them. At first glance, it seems like the filter should be recyclable, but you need to know that if the filter has metal parts, it isn’t safe to recycle.

Read on to learn more about recycling your refrigerator water filter and why metal components can make it unsafe for recycling.


Can you really recycle your refrigerator water filter?

Standard refrigerator water filters are designed to be used once and then disposed of in the trash when they can no longer filter water properly. Are these filters recyclable? Can you recycle your refrigerator water filter?

The short answer is no, you can’t recycle your refrigerator water filter. There are steps you can take to make sure your used fridge water filter ends up in the hands of someone who needs it instead of in the landfill.


The Water Filter is Recyclable

If it is labeled as BPA-free, then your refrigerator water filter should be recyclable. The recycling code on most BPA-free filters will begin with a 7 or 9. If it doesn’t, find out whether or not it contains polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics. As of 2014, PP and PET are recycled through curbside programs in all 50 states; if they’re not accepted, they go to dedicated recycling centers.

Look for one near you using Earth911’s facility search tool. If all else fails, contact your local government office and inquire about alternative drop-off locations in your area.


How to Take Your Water Filter Apart

Water filters can be very tricky to take apart. Most have a push-pull system, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy to disassemble and clean. If you’re looking to take apart a water filter, here are three steps you should follow: First, use hot soapy water on all plastic connections (this will dissolve any residue).

Second, if it still doesn’t come apart after soaking for an hour or two, consider using a hairdryer—set on low—to warm up everything. This will make it easier to pry off or unscrew parts (useful if there are wires blocking access). Finally, don’t throw away those hard-to-get-rid-of components just yet!


What Happens When You Recycle Your Water Filter

When it comes to recycling a water filter, first check with your city or town to see if they offer curbside pickup. If so, great! You can have them pick up your old filter and dispose of it. If not, experiment with a few different approaches.

Many hardware stores will accept used filters for recycling. Ask around at work or other local businesses—often they accept filters too! That way you can skip having to throw out an old one yourself (or having someone else throw it away). Lastly, if all else fails and it’s really too much of a hassle to get rid of old refrigerator filters on a regular basis, consider using one that lasts longer than a year. In more ways than one, your wallet will thank you.


Back to Basics: Why Should We Refrigerate Our Drinking Water?

Fridge or tap? When it comes to drinking water, there’s no denying that refrigerated options taste better. And in most cases, they’re healthier too. But what if we told you that chilling H2O could actually be bad for you? So keeping your H2O cool may not be a good idea.


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