How to Check Motherboard’s Model and Serial Number?

Last Updated on September 25, 2024 by Adams

How to Check Motherboard’s Model and Serial Number?

Do you know How to Check Motherboard’s Model and Serial Number? We all know how important a motherboard is in terms of connecting all parts of a computer, right? Since this main printed circuit board can connect the PCU, memory, hard drives, and other expansion cards into its various ports; you can connect everything directly to it (or otherwise through cables).

Now that’s all to the basics of a motherboard that needs to be considered under our connectivity needs. But when you need to connect different components to a motherboard, it’s important to ensure that the PCB supports the ones you have. For this, the motherboard’s model number is used to look into other components specs and analyze whether it is supported or not.

Additionally, discovering the motherboard’s version number can help look for the right BIOS firmware updates from the support store of the motherboard’s manufacturer.

And when it comes to gaining additional information about the motherboard/product you’re installing to your PC, the serial number is a necessity. This additional information can help register, replace, or finding the right parts for the motherboard.

Altogether, we can say that motherboard’s model and serial number can play a huge role in maintaining your motherboards efficient working by providing you the details of the right components and improving your rig’s overall performance.

Directly or Through a Software?

Now there is always the option of opening the computer case by simply reading the motherboard’s model and serial number from the motherboard directly. But this can be a bit of a struggle and a mess since the opening and closing of the case isn’t easy. Also, you might not be able to find the details easily on the motherboard.

So instead, an easier way is to find the details from your Windows. Although you can do this on any windows update, we’ll discuss below a step that can work on Windows 7, 8, and 10.

Also, there are plenty of ways to find this data on windows too, from using different software to using command prompt, etc. but we’ll discuss below the easiest step of finding the motherboard’s model and serial number through the system information.

Through System Information:

  • To find the details through the system information, start by pressing Win + R keys. This will open Run, where you need to type msinfo32.
  • Next, you need to click on the OK option for opening the system information.
  • Now that the system information has been opened, it’s time to click on the System Summary option in the left pane. You can find that on the very top of the left pane. By clicking on that, move to the very end of the right pane options shown on your computer screen. There you’ll find the brand number named as Baseboard Manufacturer, model number as Baseboard Product, and further a baseboard Version number.


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