How to Install A Range Hood?

Last Updated on July 10, 2024 by Adams

How to Install A Range Hood?

Cooking at home, using gas or electric stoves helps to prepare a variety of meals for the whole family. However, it also generates lots of heat and smell, which should be vented out to keep the surroundings fresh. A range hood is mandatory to purchase with stoves if you want your kitchen to have a decent look and complement your taste. If this is the first time you are installing a range hood then you should completely understand the process so that you don’t ruin the whole setup. Otherwise, you will need the services of professionals. If you want to do it yourself, follow these steps to install a range hood at the kitchen:

Step 1

Get ready to install a range hood at your kitchen now. If you have a previously installed range hood, then remove it first and detach all the wires connected to it. Unscrew all the nuts and bolts and put the hood down. Cover the stove with a sheet or mat so that it doesn’t get dirt and dust while the installation of a new hood over the stove.

Step 2

Arrange all the tools to fit a range hood such as a screwdriver, power drill, tape measure, and level ruler, stud finder, and stainless steel tape. Besides, you will also need a pencil for marking and mounting screws that come with the range hood. Measure the height above the stove where you want to install the range hood and then measure vertical from that point for hose or duct of the hood. Then we need to mark holes for screws and it should be at least 26-inches above the stove to fix the range hood.

Step 3

Prepare for the ductwork and outlet, the hulk can be placed anywhere in the dimensions of chimney. The outlook should be placed as long as it is easily accessible. Now you have to install the ceiling bracket in the upper chimney bracket. Install mounting anchors with the help of screws available with the range hood. Next, you need to mark the studs on the walls before installing the range hoods.

Step 4

Now hang the hood to the wall, you may need the help of someone for placing the hood on the screws, which were partially fitted to the wall. Once you have hanged the hood to the wall on to the screws check the level of the hood with a level ruler to make sure it is leveled. Now tighten the screws on the hood with the help of a screwdriver.

Step 5

Now connect the exhaust on the duct tube and secure the joint with the help of aluminum tape. Make sure all joints of the duct tube are perfectly sealed and tight. Now install electric cable to the hood and put the plug into an electric outlet to make the range hood to work. This is how it works.


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