How Many Types of Lenses Out There?

Last Updated on July 10, 2024 by Adams

How Many Types of Lenses Out There?

Modern photography offers a multitude of possibilities to act creatively and creatively. However, choosing the right one for the respective subject from a large selection of lenses is essential. The perception of the human eye covers an angle of view between 40 and 50 degrees. How Many Types of Lenses Out There?

In photography, images with a larger angle represent wide-angle shots, while those with a smaller angle represent telephotos. In general, the shorter the focal length, the wider the angle of view. Another critical factor is the speed of the optic.

Standard Lens:

The standard lens comes with a focal length of 40-60mm, close to the angle of the human eye. This type of optic provide a high image resolution and sharp edges and lines. The light intensity is very high, up to f / 2.8, making it possible to take pictures indoors and in low light. Thanks to its lifelike recordings, the standard optic is suitable for portraits, reportage, fashion, street photography, documentary recordings, or photographs from everyday life.

Wide Angle Lens:

With a 15-35mm focal length, the wide-angle lens creates a more extensive view than the standard optic, enabling a more comprehensive subject section. In addition, the considerable depth of field allows a clear picture of near and distant objects simultaneously, which gives the photos a solid spatial character.

Tele Lens:

We can achieve a smaller angle of view with the telephoto lens than the human eye perceives at a focal length of over 60mm. As a result, you can bring distant subjects to a close, whereby due to the shallow depth of field, only the main subject appears against a blurred background.

Fixed Lengths Lens:

With this type of lens, you cannot change the focal length. Further, due to the large angle of view, there is little risk of blurring the photo. Therefore, you can use fixed focal lengths when you want to take pictures with high image quality.

Special Macro Lens:

We can achieve a large image scale with the macro lens. On a scale of 1: 2, the image on the film or sensor would be half the size of the object itself. For these images, you have to be as close as possible to the subject so that the camera can focus. Macro shots start at around 1: 4 scale and provide ultra-close-up shots.

Special Fisheye Lens:

This lens creates a remarkable effect. All lines running outside the center of the picture make curves, creating the impression that the motif is strongly curved. The effect represent on a fish’s eye looking up through the surface of the water. The optic with a maximum focal length of 16mm creates significantly different perspectives due to the distortion, enabling creative expression in photography. The fisheye optic is also perfect for panoramic images. For a 360-degree picture, three photos, pieced together and slightly overlapping, are sufficient.

Special Lens Tilt and Shift:

This effect ensures a shift and pivoting (tilt) of the lens system. These two functions act independently of one another. The shift function ensures a larger image circle, which leads to a shift of the subject on the sensor. As a result, converging lines at the picture’s edges become straight, mainly used in architectural photography.


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