How Long Usually Boat Cover Lasts?

Last Updated on August 27, 2024 by Adams

How Long Usually Boat Cover Lasts?

If you own a boat this question might come in your mind as well, How Long Usually Boat Cover Lasts? Boats are very expensive gadgets which needs proper care especially when they are not in use. Boat covers, just like sunscreens, should not be taken lightly.

Boat covers somehow serve the same purpose and contribute a great deal towards longevity. Hence, under no circumstances should a boat cover be underestimated! The rule is that your boat should stay covered whenever it’s at rest. And to do so, you will need a durable, strong, and long-term boat cover.

Boat covers perform numerous important roles for the boat they are covering including reduced chances of theft, protection from dust, rain, or snow, shielding the boat’s exterior and interior from UV rays, and keeping large or small animals out of the boat.

This not only adds and extends the aesthetic appeal of the boat but also helps to enhance the resale value of your boat. Who wouldn’t want a well-kept sea craft of their own, right?

Now let’s explore the answer to a question that most cover buyers usually have on their minds, and that is how long usually boat covers last? The answer is simple, it depends on two things. The first being the quality or brand you’re buying and the second being how you maintain the cover.

Everything in this world needs a clean from time to time, boat covers too as they’re exposed to a lot of harsh aspects of nature. It’s only fair that its owners clean it every once in a while. An average quality boat cover will last for a good 1.5 to 3 years. A

fter that, they start tearing or straps might come off. On the other hand, a high-quality durable boat cover will last 5 to 8 years provided you take the minimum care that they deserve.

So, we can easily say that boat cover can be used for an average of 3 to 5 years. But there are ways you can make them last a little longer. The most important thing you can do is buy the appropriate size! If your cover is even just a tad bit smaller than it should be, it will get stretched from places in order to completely cover all the instruments and eventually will start tearing up from those places.

The way you clean your boat cover will influence how long it will last. It is recommended to wash your cover with a mild soap or detergent or regularly rinse off the dirt and debris from the cover, you can use a garden hose for this purpose, no expensive maintenance is required.

Moreover, do not scrub your boat’s cover ever! It is going to damage the upper layer which usually is the waterproof one or UV treated. If that gets washed away, you’re left with a useless boat cover that won’t last any longer than 3 months.

Investing in a boat cover is a wise choice, most of them are long-lasting and deliver promising durability and protection. It’s only fair that you clean the cover every once in a while, to add a year or two to its life.


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